Friday, March 25, 2011

Random Stuff

I'lm Schtuck...

I got this adorable pic in an email... just thought it was too cute not to share!

Okay, so I haven't posted in FOREVER!!!  I wasn't really sure what to write about so I decided to try something that a friend of mine did on her blog...

15 cool/interesting/pretty things:

  1. dew drops on flowers
  2. the smell of rain
  3. frost on windows
  4. a really good book
  5. kittens
  6. butterflys
  7. sunsets!!!  :D
  8. doodles
  9. watching plants grow
  10. corkboards
  11. candy canes
  12. tie dye t-shirts
  13. headbands
  14. patterned duct tape